






What is Scrip?

Scrip is a fundraising program here at Bethany Lutheran Church and Schools. Funds are raised through the purchase of gift cards. They can be used for the things you already buy. Re-imagine the gift card as something more than just a gift - recognize it’s potential for serious fundraising!

How does Scrip work?

Bethany purchases the gift cards at a discounted price which are then made available for purchase and use at face value. Each vendor sets their own discount percentage which is then passed on to the purchaser in the form of a rebate. That rebate is then shared with the purchaser (60%) and the running of the program / general ministry projects (40%).

Why use Scrip?

Using Scrip is an easy thing to do and of great benefit to the families and ministries of Bethany. Use these convenient gift cards to purchase everyday things like gas and groceries

  • Bethany Lutheran Preschool - Preschool families can use scrip rebates to offset the cost of tuition.
  • Bethany Lutheran School - Elementary and Middle School families can use their rebate to offset tuition costs. Additionally, families can “bank” their rebate for their child’s 8th grade Washington D.C. trip beginning in the 5th grade.
  • Bethany Lutheran Church - Parents of Bethany Youth (8th grade to freshman in college) can apply the rebate to their child’s youth account to be used toward retreats, youth gatherings and mission trips.
  • A final option is to designate your rebate toward a specific ministry at Bethany: Music, Youth, Student Success, Tuition Assistance, Operation Christmas Child or General Ministry

*rebates are applied manually in May

How do I purchase Scrip?
    • In person - Scrip is available in the school office Monday through Friday from 8am - 4pm (Summer hours: 9am -3pm) A selection of physical gift cards are kept on-hand. Special orders available. 
      Click here for the printable Scrip order form.
    • is the website. This is a safe and convenient way to purchase Scrip. Follow the prompts to set up an online account with payment options (you will need an enrollment code - see contact information below). A greater variety of vendors from over 750 brands are available online.
    • On your Smartphone - Download the RaiseRight app on your phone. An account can be created here or use the same log-in information as the one you created on the RaiseRight App. eCards and reloads are at your fingertips for last minute purchases - you’ll never miss an opportunity!  

For questions about the scrip program, additional information (including the enrollment code for RaiseRight), contact Ruth Lopez, 420-7783 ex.58 or

© 2025 Bethany Lutheran School   |   5100 Arbor Rd, Long Beach, CA US 90808

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